Celebrations, Fear, My Story

Atlanta, I Hear You Calling…


That’s how old I’ll be in…. oh, now 🙂  Hard to believe I’ve been traversing this world for over a quarter-century.  Last year’s birthday hit home because suddenly I wasn’t in my “early 20’s” anymore!  Whoa no, overnight I reached this big milestone where: I hit my quarter-life crisis, was officially of “car renting” age, and fun, frivolous thinking was abruptly replaced with Roth IRAs and political jargon.  I know, weird!  

So here I am overlooking the last 26 years of my life….. realizing how far I’ve come.  That’s what this past week has been for me: A review of the past, with a brand-spankin new perspective.  And yes, I’m lovin it!  I’ve found myself looking thru pages & pages of old journals, letters & notes long forgotten, mementos of school years far removed from my current life.

So…. why?  Why the sudden need to go thru my old junk?

Well, because I’m MOVING this weekend of course ~ moving to a brand-new place, a new state, a huge city, a situation I’ve never found myself in before.  Yes, I’m gonna be a Peach!

So many new beginnings this week: a mega-important birthday, saying goodbye to my beach-hoppin Floridian life, no longer welcoming Georgia from a distance but now greeting it from a half-week’s length.  It’s touchable, that’s how close I am.  The long wait is nearly over.

The Big Peach

The Big Peach

This situation begs the question: Am I ready?  That’s what I’ve been ruminating over.  Then my alter ego kicks in, asking Au contraire, Is Atlanta ready for me?!  I wonder… where will I fit in?  What will my place be?  One thing I’m certain of: I’ll love it!

I cannot wait to explore the city, to take in the winding tree-lined streets, to run through the hills!, to breathe the cooler air & watch the leaves change this fall, to wade through the traffic (hah!), to shop my heart out at Trader Joe’s (Florida, you need to hop on that train!), to have my independence and be able to set my own schedule apart from fam.  To live as a young adult for the first time, well, ever.  Free as a jaybird. 

Why yes, I’d say I’m ready.  Atlanta, I’m here to shake your hand.  I’ll see you soon, Satur-soon.

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