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Imperfect Love: My Top 8 Marriage Posts♥

Imperfect Love

The beauty of love and marriage is that it’s fallible, yet it can still reveal Christ’s love to (& through) us. Yes, two people can live together — despite our differences — and even complement each other the way God intended! Our uniqueness was never meant to separate us anyway but to balance each other out & bring out the best in us both.

Scripture says “two are better than one” — a passage that pertains as much to marriage as any other life partnership — because they reap a greater reward for their efforts than a solitary man and can support, encourage, & fight enemies better than they could alone.

So if God intended marriage for our good, let’s stop fighting each other & start engaging our real enemy! God is using our other half to help our weaknesses and grow us where we need to, so when we turn on our husband or wife, we frustrate His work in our lives and forfeit many of the blessings of marriage.

This V-day, consider all the ways your husband or wife has bettered your life and made you the person you are today. Sure, they may frustrate you at times, but in every marital disappointment, I’m learning God wants to show me something about myself. Maybe I need more patience? Kindness? Grace? Maybe I need to be less selfish & more giving. Maybe I need to PRAY MORE for my spouse and not talk about them & the problem! This is how we show love to the world — by loving another imperfect person with His supernatural love.

Love one another 2

Even in a one-sided marriage, we can deepen in love for God and others. I’ve watched friends of mine do it (amazingly!), despite all odds, so I know it’s possible for you & me. Our love and patience will be rewarded, in heaven and/or on earth, and could be the catalyst that sparks lasting change in our spouse.

My Top 8 Marriage Posts

In honor of today, I compiled my 8 favorite posts I’ve written on marriage. I hope they bless you and show you that a thriving marriage is possible when you make Him Lord of it! 🙂

  1. Helping Your Spouse Realize Their Potential
  2. Our Ordinary Love
  3. Have I Forgotten My Ministry as a Wife?
  4. Find Vision for Your Life & Marriage
  5. The Prayer the Changed Our Marriage
  6. Tribute to My Best Friend
  7. My Valentine’s Day Surprise
  8. Commitment

And to my honey Brian on Valentine’s Day, 5 years into this amazing adventure of marriage: I love you more than words can say and know that the best is yet to come ♥

Happy Love Day!


Love is not

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