Blessings, Faith & Prayer, Friends & Dating

Financial Provision Prayer!

Credit: Lightstock, Pearl

Credit: Lightstock, Pearl

First off, happy All Saint’s Day! I hope you’re recovering from your sugar hangovers & enjoying a brand-new month. Hard to believe 2014 is winding down, isn’t it?

I’d like to start off the Thankfulness month with something my husband & I are extremely grateful for: Great friends! A true friend should encourage you, support you, challenge you to grow (especially in areas you need it), & most vitally (perhaps) – pray for you. 

I’ve tested this myself for many years and noticed that God responds rapidly to our prayers for others. Sometimes we don’t see breakthrough when we pray alone for ourselves, but when someone else does, it moves the heavens. It’s an interesting concept & one I’m still trying to understand. All I know is that intercession is one of the most powerful things you can do for those around you. It’s one of my absolute favorite ways to love on the people in my life, and it has the power to transform their lives (even without them knowing why).

Two good friends of ours are Kalen & his beautiful wife Alysia. When we were struggling with recent career/financial decisions, Kalen prayed a powerful prayer over us for provision & direction… in a time when we didn’t know what to pray, he really blessed us by stepping up & praying on our behalf. Isn’t that amazing?

And guess what? Ever since Kalen prayed this over our family (& we echoed it), we’ve seen some very significant financial breakthroughs. All glory to God!

I encourage you to grab a friend, church or family member and pray this prayer when you & your loved ones need breakthrough in your finances and ALSO to rededicate your heart & money to God. It all belongs to Him anyway, & sometimes we need to remind ourselves of that. Who knows what big things God will do when we ask for His help together? Remember this scripture:

“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.” ~Jesus (Matt. 18)

I’m posting Kalen’s prayer here with his permission, so enjoy!

Dear God,

We need Your hand, and all the miraculous works attributed to it, to guide us in our career paths. Father, we are waiting for answers about what direction You want us to go. We are intimidated by the responsibility of starting a new direction after recent changes at work. God we need You! Lord, I need You to use Your power in my life to make me obey Your will.

God we submit our lives to You. Do as You will. We submit our worries to You. Fill us with peace. We know these things are easy for You, THE MOST HIGH GOD. Speak to us, give us ears to hear. Show us, give us eyes to see.

We love You, we know You want good for us. Fortify our faith in Your sovereign plan and path for us. God we want to be where You want us, and do what You will. Help us Father. We plea to You through Jesus’ authority. God thank You, we know You will come through. We will be ready to bend to Your will. In Jesus’ name, amen.

What a beautiful prayer. Can you see why God would love to respond to such an honest, humble request for His help? I loved it. I hope it blesses you & your family, and feel free to share it with those who may need to hear it.

Thank You Lord for caring for us so deeply, including about our every need. You know the number of hairs on our heads, and You certainly can handle every bill & impending need we have. Thank You for using us to be Your provision for others, too, Lord in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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