Inspiration, My Story

Five-Minute Friday: {A Writer’s Life}


Every Friday, a group of bloggers spends 5 unedited minutes writing on a new topic. This fun assignment – created by Lisa Jo Baker – helps us write free from worries about perfection or format. I love the idea & hope you enjoy this week’s theme (“Writer”) in all its rough glory! 


I’ve written since I was a small child – stories (both bloody & fun), poetry, pages & pages of journals – locked tight with Lisa Frank keys, cards & Valentine’s, daydreamed doodles.

Over & over again, I heard “You’re a great writer” – something I still don’t see. It’s as if God wanted this path for me, wanted me to explore Him through words – both mine & others. I can’t describe the discoveries I’ve had through the written word – mine & His, the joy I’ve had while creating sentences on paper, the sheer exuberance I’ve experienced when stepping into bookstores or receiving notebooks as a gift & new pencils every August.

Writing & me: it must’ve been fate. Yet in recent months, I’ve wondered what God’s greater purpose is for me here? Will my words change the world, or just change me? Will they go to the other corners of the earth, or are they meant to just touch next door?

I can’t know the future, but I know I must be obedient – I must heed this call to write. For, in God’s eyes, good or not, I am a writer.

“Beautiful words stir my heart.
I will recite a lovely poem about the king,
for my tongue is like the pen of a skillful poet.”

~Psalm 45


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  1. Kelly Blackwell

    April 4, 2014 at 8:15 pm

    That was lovely and I really enjoyed your choice of verse. I can really relate to what you wrote. All my life I wrote. Well, I wrote as soon as I could hold a pencil. Before that I told myself stories. My mom said it started as soon as they told me they didn’t have time to read me a book one night. She overheard me telling myself a story instead. Writing is a part of me no matter what. What God chooses to do with that is up to Him. Thank you for sharing your words! You are inspiring!

    1. Summer M

      April 6, 2014 at 7:02 pm

      Thank you Kelly!! I LOVED the verse, too. God knows just what others need to hear thru us, no matter how big or small the audience. And I had to laugh @ your story… sounds like you were meant to be a communicator! 🙂 I can relate. Thanks for your encouragement!

  2. Jayna

    April 4, 2014 at 9:02 pm

    This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing! As I read the Five Minute Friday posts this week I smile because I can relate to much to them. I love that you said you must be obedient. That is how I feel – it is a calling to be obeyed, however intimidating at times. I love the verse you shared, too! Thank you! Keep writing!

    -jayna (

    1. Summer M

      April 6, 2014 at 6:59 pm

      Thank you Jayna! Yes, it does feel like a calling… like “I can’t NOT write” 🙂 I’m glad we share a similar passion. I love your beautiful site (& photos), too, & hope to see more of it!

  3. Marvia Davidson

    April 4, 2014 at 10:00 pm

    Its like I was reading about myself! Thank you for the reminder that we are often called to do what we cannot even see, but He calls it out of us. I love that!!

    1. Summer M

      April 6, 2014 at 7:03 pm

      Thank you Marvia! So glad you enjoyed it 🙂 It was a good reminder to me, too, that writing is a calling & that God uses it as He chooses!

  4. Lisa

    April 5, 2014 at 8:05 am

    I can so relate to you hearing others tell you you’re a good writer and not being able to see it yourself. And….bookstores, notebooks, pencils….ahhhh. Sheer delight! 🙂 I, too, used the verse in Psalms 45 (over at, although developed ENTIRELY differently. Your site is lovely, and…I love your pictures! Blessings to you

    1. Summer M

      April 6, 2014 at 7:12 pm

      Thanks so much, Lisa! I loved your use of the same scripture ~ you have such a beautiful writing style (& a new subscriber) 🙂 Looking forward to more from you!

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