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God’s “Perfect Will”

I liked this 🙂

In fact, it made me laugh.  Been there, done this!  Thankfully God’s helping me out and giving me grace!

I’ve become convinced that God does not want us paralyzed with fear and inaction as we seek His perfect will for every situation. While there indeed may be an ideal sandwich bread, I don’t think I need to fast and pray for weeks to discern what it is. It’s just not that important. And when I do face a decision with lasting consequences, I now have the ability to choose without fear of making a colossal blunder…

Nowadays, I calmly pray for wisdom, and instead of waiting for a sign that never comes, I simply make the best decision I can and trust God to let me know if I’ve gone astray.  Things don’t always turn out the way I’d like, but I’m pretty convinced that they turn out for the best.

-Thomas Jeffries

God gives us liberty to choose.  Even when He shows us what His desires are for us, via His word or that “still small voice”, the beauty of life is we still make the ultimate decision.  Not every choice is a moral one, nor one God has an exact opinion on.  Much of the time, our Father delights in us scampering through life, discovering what He’s created and exploring our options!  There is no joy in dictating our lives to us; He sets life and death before us and allows us to choose.

That’s great news!  It also means we bear great responsibility for our own lives.  He shows us the safe path, so when we veer from it let’s not hold it against Him.  What a great Dad we have!

Thank You, Lord, that You aren’t a controlling Father and that You give us freedom of choice, expression, lifestyle… help us to HEED Your voice when You give us specific instructions and thank You for freeing us from the bondage of “Have to”, legalism, and ‘paralysis by analysis’.  Thank You for the joy to be exactly who we’re created to be – unique and free!

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