Beliefs, Devos, Faith & Prayer, Forgiveness, Hope, Inspiration, My Story

‘The Beast Within’

“The winner of this battle is simply decided by which wolf we feed.”

God’s been speaking to me about this lately… and then suddenly, there it was today in black & white: the beast within!

We have two sides.  The question is, which one are we feeding – our selfish desires or our spirit within us?  Because when tough times come, the stronger one will rise up and react.  Am I feeding cravings for pleasure, unrestrained rage, a loose tongue that cuts down others and speaks death over my circumstances?  Or am I feeding forgiveness, purity in my thoughts and how I treat others, faith in the midst of fears, and hope despite odds stacked against me?  (Ahem, this post is for me as much as it may be for you!)

Let’s must keep in mind that we can’t tame this beast alone.  Sure, we may be able to discipline ourselves for a time — outwardly at least.  But self-imposed discipline can’t cure the problem!  Col. 2:20-23 says:

Since you died with Christ to the basic principles of this world, why, as though you still belonged to it, do you submit to its rules: ‘Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!’? These are all destined to perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teachings. Such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom, with their self-imposed worship, their false humility and their harsh treatment of the body, but they lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence.

These commands lack any value in restraining sensual indulgence — any!  We can’t rein this beast in ourselves.  We must simply ask God for grace to help us! 

Are you struggling with parents, kids, an ‘inconsiderate, lazy, critical’ spouse or boss?  A coworker or friend that sucks the life outta you and uses you for gain?  An addiction?  Finances?  A lack of joy?  Waning health, despite having ‘tried everything’?  Been there!

Ask God for TODAY’S GRACE.  It’s your daily portion!  Pray to your Abba Father who sees and truly cares:

“Please give me my daily bread, Father.  I need incredible grace to deal with this.  Your Word promises I can come boldly before Your throne to obtain grace and mercy in time of need.  I am in need!  Thank You Father for providing exceptional, overflowing, more-than-I-need grace.  Thank You that I’m victorious.  In Jesus’ name I pray, amen!”

Pray.  And believe!  I am right there with you clinging to hope, believing for things I’ve waited on for years.  I’m so thankful I don’t have to live each year at a time – just daily.

Thank You Father for Your daily bread.  Thank You that You’ve apportioned it for us before today arrived – before our tire blew out and we didn’t have money to cover it.  Before we were betrayed by someone we loved with our whole lives.  Before illness struck.  Before my spouse left, or my business hit rock bottom. 

Your grace is sufficient for me, for Your power is perfected in my weakness.  Thank You Lord that this is true in my life right now.  You know how desperately I needed this today.  You are awesome.  You are mighty.  And You are bigger than this. Your provision is waiting in the wings. 

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